Academy of public development conducted presentation of the project: “promotion of pre-school educational service” in the conference-hall of Batumi University of Art. The project is funded by the fund “Sukhumi” and Batumi City Hall and serves to strengthening of the work of the teachers with parents of children, solution of psychological, sanitarian and other issues, development of scientific skills and healthy attitude to the environment.
In frames of the project there will be held trainings, seminars, consultative meetings, there will be organized “eco corner” and will start functioning the parents’ club, which will promote to maximal involvement of the parents in the process of pre-school education.
There was signed a memorandum between, “public development academy”, “Unity of Batumi kindergartens” and Batumi Gender Advisory Council, the aim of which is collaboration in successful implementation of the reforms of educational sphere, especially in the spheres of pre-school and informal education.
The project was positively evaluated by the chairpersons of Batumi kindergarten unity.