Current projects
Project title: Promoting gender policies in conflict affected communities for strengthening and protecting womens and youths rights and confidence building
Donor: Brotfür die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Project title: Digital Resource Center for Victims of Violence
Donor: the Equality Fund (Canada)
Project title: “IDP and Conflict Affected Women and Youth for the Localization of the Women, Peace and Security“
Donor: The UN Women organization
The project of Fund “Sukhumi” supported by the Visegrad Fund
The International Visegrad Fund has approved the project proposal “Learning from Visegrad 4 experience to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance” submitted by Fund “Sukhumi”. The project will be implemented during 16 months.
It aims at studying the experience of the Visegrad 4 (V4) in gender mainstreaming and public participation in local governance reform and at advocating for policy reforms based on best practices. Through study tours, research and series of follow-up public and expert consultations, the project will develop a policy-oriented strategy for reforming local governance and gender mainstreaming.
The detailed information about the project activities and publications will be available of the project web-site
The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund
Summing up the work of Tskaltubo Club of Voter Women
The ordinary meeting of Tskaltubo Club of Voter Women was devoted to the discussion of the constitution. Members of the Club got acquainted with the changes in the constitution, recorded their opinions.
The meeting summed up the Club's work, highlighted weak and strong sides, talked about plans for the future. It was noted that the existence of the Club is important for the activation of women, the promotion of topical problems and their solution.
The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia
Training for the members of youth clubs
28 members of the youth club of the fund “Sukhumi” from 6 regions – for them in Kutaisi there was held the first phase of the training for trainers on – gender and gender violence.
The work was held in two groups. There was a great interest to the topics, individual and group activities, film screening, conversation about traditions and stereotypes.
During the feedback it turned out that the young people raised awareness in the issue of gender and they expressed a desire to become trainers.
The chance to show themselves already exists. In the days campaign they will conduct informational meetings in schools. For most of them it is the first experience and share in the process of violence prevention.
For the active participants of trainings there will be held the second round.