With the assistance of representatives of the City Hall youth services and educational resource centers of Tkibuli, Zugdidi, Bagdati, Tsalenjikha and Kobuleti, the Fund “Sukhumi” conducted 5 trainings in youth centers on the topics of conflict escalation, reasons of domestic violence and cyber-bullying.

According the instructions of the trainers, the participants played role-games, which was followed with discussions and they expressed their opinions. The training revealed active young people, leaders who expressed a desire to carry out informational meetings. Some of them have already independently held a meeting and shared their experience with their peers. 

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Online trainings on: “Problems of tolerance among the youth. Conflict management. Bullying” were held with youth groups of Kobuleti, Tkibuli, Samtredia, Vani and Terjola.

All groups differ from each other, but they are united by the fact that they really like non-formal education, the issues that are discussed. All participants are motivated to get as much information as possible and learn new skills.

There are leaders, who successfully complete their "homework". In May, they held informational meetings with peers on the topics of tolerance, conflict and bullying. Similar meetings are continued ...

In May, the work on the performance "Gvriti" (turtledove) was completed: the dolls were created, text and music were written.

Young actors recorded their roles in the studio. Active rehearsals were held in Kutaisi, Meskhishvili Theater.

The main rehearsal and premiere will take place soon - "Gvriti" prepares for a meeting with the audience.

The forum theater and the shadow theater of the Fund "Sukhumi" have always had a lot of audience. Now the viewer will wait for the performance of the puppet theater with interest.

“It is necessary to talk about these topics at our age”, “Non-formal education gives us what we do not receive at school”, “I will definitely share this knowledge with everyone” - this is the feedback from the participants at the end of the training.

In the first half of May, 5 online trainings were held with young people from  Tsalenjikha, Chokhatauri, Bagdati, Zugdidi and Senaki municipalities on the following topics: reasons of conflict, tolerance and bullying.

Groups like this format, they are motivated and active, they are involved in discussions. Their frankness should be noted. Leaders are ready to hold informational meetings with peers and share their knowledge. They choose topics out of three directions presented at the training, and most important is that they are very serious and responsible towards their work.

Live meetings would be much more interesting with group work and role-games, but the Covid pandemic does not yet provide such an opportunity.

The article in the newspaper "New Education" starts like this:

Within the framework of the project "Strengthening the Women's Rights in Western Georgia", the Fund “Sukhumi” has started to establish youth centers in 10 cities of Western Georgia (Kobuleti, Senaki, Tsalenjikha, Zugdidi, Samtredia, Vani, Terjola, Tkibuli, Bagdati). In agreement with local governments and resource centers, the Fund “Sukhumi” cooperates with youth departments, on the basis of which youth empowerment centers are established.

Link: https://bit.ly/3ew5m3x

April of the Forum - Theater

It's spring, and the renewed team of the forum - theater has an interesting April - it meets the audience in the open air.

The performances were shown in the central parks of Kutaisi and on the stage of the amphitheater of Terjola Youth Center.

Soon, together with the forum-theater and the shadow theater of the Fund "Sukhumi", a puppet theater will begin to show its performances.

The first performance of the puppet theater is based on the Georgian folk tale "Gvriti" (turtledove). Samples of dolls are already created, young actors study to “manage” the dolls and are actively involved in the rehearsal process.

Work with the youth has moved to a new stage. Agreements were signed with local governments of 10 municipalities, and the Centers for Youth Empowerment have been established in cooperation with the Youth Departments.

Six-month training courses on leadership, conflict management and violence will be held for the pupils from different schools.

The first trainings have already been held: in Zugdidi and Terjola, trainers and students had the opportunity of live communication, as for Chokhatauri and Kobuleti groups, the work was conducted online.

All participants differed from each other, but they have common characteristic features: great interest in training issues, leadership skills, motivation to learn more ...

Casting, rehearsals, performances ...

March was an active month for the forum-theater: casting, rehearsals, performances...

After the casting, new actors appeared in the group, who have already joined the work.

After a long pause, the first trip was in one of Kutaisi parks - the performances were held in the open air.

A new initiative of the Fund "Sukhumi" will be implemented soon - a puppet theater will be created. The scenario on the basis of Georgian fairy tale "Gvriti" (turtledove) is already written ...

Forum-theater, shadow theater, puppet theater – this is a variety, offered by the young actors to the audience.

The newspaper "New Education" actively publicizes the work of the Fund "Sukhumi". The first article, published in March, presents a mini-film "Gender stereotypes and the role of schools in their elimination."

The second article "Online Conference - Conflict Management and Violence Prevention" is dedicated to the final conference of the five-month work with the youth of Western Georgia.

Collaboration with the newspaper began in February and 4 articles have already been published. The wide audience of “New Education” got acquainted with the direction of work with youth and saw the importance of non-formal education in the process of breaking stereotypes, managing conflicts and preventing violence.



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