In February, the forum-theater operated both live and online. Rehearsals were held, videos were recorded. The young actors held two performances in the central parks of Kutaisi. Despite the fact that the theatre did not have many viewers, the performance is still important in terms of violence prevention.

Monologues of forum-theater actors were posted on the Facebook page of the Women Fund "Sukhumi", which were introduced to hundreds of people.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

It all happens after our meetings. One meeting / training is held per month and from training to training children express their views: what they have learned, what they like and what they worry about, in different ways.

Video clip, prepared by Samtredia Group, information meetings held by Zugdidi and Kobuleti groups and many else: diagrams, letters to parents, comics, videos, paintings, presentations...

We call these events initiative ones, because they reflect our training. The topics of the meetings held in the ten youth centers in February were: conflict, ethics, aesthetics, relationships of parents and children. The activities carried out by the leaders of the centers were also dedicated to these issues.

All activities are posted on the Facebook pages of the Fund "Sukhumi" and schools and the number of views is thousands ... 787 people took part in the activities. The activity would be much higher if the schools had not switched to online teaching. The youth direction of the Women Fund "Sukhumi" is still quite popular and this is the best result of our active work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The last meetings of the six-month training course of the Youth Empowerment Centers were held. The meetings were attended by 97 participants from Samtredia, Bagdati, Terjola, Tkibuli and Vani municipalities.

The high interest of the participants to the topic “Ways of conflict resolution, norms of ethics and aesthetics, relationships between parents and children, problems and reasons”. was obvious.

Summarizing event will be held in March, which will be attended by representatives from all ten municipalities. Young people will continue to work actively in their schools - 10 leaders from 5 centers will make presentations and share their knowledge with groups of students.

Children's letters to parents were special in this month. The trainers asked the participants to write a message for their parents, to express their love, thoughts, wishes ... Quite large and good material was collected and will be published on our website as a success story.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Performances in snowed Kutaisi

Performances suit the snow-covered Kutaisi. The Forum - Theater runs performance in Central Parks. These are new scenes, with experienced actors and active volunteers. Director - Magda Chikhladze conducts rehearsals with usual routines.

Forum-theater is used to crowds of people. Now the audience is small, but the actors are still performing their roles with all their heart. New scenes are about violence and migration. These are current topics.

The Forum - Theater hopes that many spectators will return soon and that an active dialogue will take place with the audience.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The training course was actively continued in five more municipalities. In Terjola, Chokhatauri, Zugdidi, Tsalenjikha and Senaki Youth Empowerment Centers the trainings were held on one and the same topic: gender equality, traditions and stereotypes for violence prevention. Ways conflict resolution.

All trainings seem to be similar but differ with the involvement of the participants. The active work of the leaders is reflected on the youth groups, after the trainings the initiated events start, which is a visible result of our work.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

First five meetings

On January 10, work with youth was restarted. A cycle of meetings began and 5 trainings were held.

First five activities of the month: youth empowerment centers operating in the municipalities of Vani, Bagdati, Samtredia, Kobuleti and Tkibuli.

Training topics: gender equality, traditions and stereotypes for the prevention of violence. Ways for conflict resolution.

Students - participants of the meetings - were actively involved in the work process, despite the online format. Teachers also took an active part in Samtredia and Tkibuli. As noted, this work improves the leadership skills of young people, gives them the motivation to do more. The members of the centers have already formed a schedule for the initiated events - how they will apply the acquired knowledge. For independent work, they choose different forms (meeting with peers, preparing a video clip, writing an essay, etc.).

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

The trainings held in the youth centers were followed by additional initiated events: information meetings, film screenings, recording of interviews, videos...

One part of the event was held in early December and was dedicated to the 16-day campaign, while the other part responded to the topics covered during the trainings: early marriage and tolerance. The youth centers of Samtredia, Bagdati, Vani and Tsalenjikha carried out the majority of activities. All works of young people are presented on the Facebook page of the Women Fund "Sukhumi".

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Active work of the forum-theater

Forum-theater actively returned to the working process. Performances started in Kutaisi parks and squares. At the same time - new performances are being prepared, interesting videos are being recorded, which will be archived and posted on the social network. The videos of the forum-theater. on our Facebook page, are awaited with special interest by the audience. An important news - volunteers who were involved in the performances appeared.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Tsalenjikha, Samtredia, Kobuleti, Zugdidi, Senaki - a cycle of trainings was continued in December in the youth centers of these five municipalities - this time on the topic of tolerance and early marriage. There was active discussion and most importantly, trust from the participants, which was noted by the teachers.

The trainings had leaders who started to initiate the events. Teachers, directors, parents were actively involved - 1255 pupils participated in the initiated events.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

Social Networks