Мass Мedia (136)

Mass - media. This category gives information about meetings with representatives of media, TV and Radio programs and articles prepared in frames of the projects of the Fund "Sukhumi".

“We spoke about gender policy in the region and overviewed activities of Batumi GAC”, - it was conclusion of the TV show.
The guest of the program – deputy of Batumi GAC chairperson, member of Sakrebulo Ramaz Surmanidze and Council member, head of school No2 – Mirza Abashidze mentioned that sustainability of the project depends on close connection with society.
It was mentioned that close collaboration with local government is the basis of numerous problem solution. The proof of it is recommendations envisaged in the local budget, also financing very important project for the youth, which will promote to establishment of non-violent awareness with innovative method of the forum-theatre.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


TV Company “Egrisi” in Senaki aired information regarding ordinary meeting of Senaki GAC, regarding preoperational work of local gender needs research. As the respondents mention the aim of the research is socially oriented local budget, more fair allocation of local resources which should be based on recommendations received as a result of the research.
Attention was paid to one gender need. This is protection of women from domestic violence, which is served by psychological and legal consultations organized in fund “Sukhumi” Senaki GAC. What services have the WSCs and how pleased are the beneficiaries – fund “Sukhumi” psychologist, lawyer, meeting participants, local and IDP women.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


What do Georgian politicians and experts, representatives of public sector think about quoting by the gender side, what legislative regulations are essential for solution of this issue. The story in TV “Rioni” refers to this issue and shares international experience.
As the representatives of Kutaisi Gender Advisory council mention, the effective will be to make a step from words to the action. There was an interesting fact in Georgia in this direction – a women became a head of one of the most important structure – Ministry of defense. This issue is positively evaluated from the side of not only her team members, but also opposition, politologists, civil sector representatives.
It is noticeable that only men were chosen as respondents.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council started research of local gender needs.TV story in the air of “TV Guria” tells about focus-group with the youth in the college “Horizont”.
What isa the aim of the research, what are the scales of activities, what are the areas and timelines of the research, what methods are used for receiving data, how detailed is the information received by the council regarding the needs of target groups, in order to prepare suggestions and recommendations on their basis for the next budget. These questions will be answered by the council members – organizers of the focus-group. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


TV company "Egrisi" often aires stories about the work of Senaki Gender Advisory Council and publishes information in the newspaper "Kolkheti".
Despite the small number of media sources, Senaki journalists actively cover gender issues.
On May 6 regular individual meetings were held with journalists and representative for public relations of Gamgeoba service. They got acquainted with the activities of the GAC at this stage and talked about their mission in terms of local gender policies.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The second issue of the monthly electronic informational bulletin was published in frames of the project “strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia”. April activities were assumed.
As it was mentioned in the bulletin, 87 activities were held with participation of 1081 people.
The bulletin describes work and concrete results of all 6 WSCs (Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha).
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Kindergarten No 33 is the first innovator pre-school premise in Kutaisi, where exists the club of grandfathers together with the ones of parents.
“Grandfathers’ Club” was founded by the grandpas – joined under common idea. Nowadays the club has 12 members. The aim of the club is doing useful things, which will be benefit for the grandchildren and kindergarten.
They have lots of ideas, though active grandpas are often worried by lack of finances.
You will learn more by the story of TV “Rioni”. 
The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
«The independent socio-environmental movement»


Members of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council spoke about activities of the GAC on the talsk-show prepared by the fund “Sukhumi” in TV Company “Guria”.
“We are glad that fund “Sukhumi” chose Ozurgeti as target town. We consider that the project is successful step in Ozurgeti reality. We may say that the door of our office never closes and factually we have the role of mediator among citizens and government” – was said.
It was underlined that successful activity of the council mostly depended on a good will of state, which supported every initiative for this period. It was first of all obvious in the project, supported by them, which was ended by creation of youth Sakrebulo and youth gender council.
The council members touched initiatives, which were envisaged by recommendations of the council in 2015 budget. Among them – increase of social allowance, motivation of successful students and their schools. They spoke about future plans, which will promote to establishment of more active gender policy.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The story in TV Company “Adjara” concerns the problem of domestic violence and the ways of solution. The programs shares opinions of law protectors and members of Batumi GAC.
As the story tells, Batumi GAC works for year and a half and pays great attention to the problem of domestic violence.
How alarming is the statistic, how the council tries to show actuality of the problem through cooperation with state structures and public sector, relevant reaction, victim protection – these are the issues, which are main in discussion with council members, City Hall representatives and gender advisors of Sakrebulo.


The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


“Cancer is not a verdict” – Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council implements project under this title, which envisages psycho-social rehabilitation of the sick people.
Story of “Guria” tells about concrete activities for the beneficiaries. The head of the project claims: “There are 50 persons involved in the project and its main message is that we live ordinary life and continue fighting”.
The project covers villages of Ozurgeti municipality and it was financed by Ozurgeti local budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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