Мass Мedia (136)

Mass - media. This category gives information about meetings with representatives of media, TV and Radio programs and articles prepared in frames of the projects of the Fund "Sukhumi".

What dangers exist in society, why women are at high risk, what preventive measures should be carried out to enhance human security - these questions were raised by the  guests in live of TV company "Rioni".

The program aired a story. Respondents say that for them it is important to understand the information related to the human safety.

Participants mentioned that increasing the level of safety should begin with an increase of self-awareness of each person and, in addition, requires the responsibility of local government.

The corresponding effect will be obtained by the coordinated operation.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)



Kutaisi journalists always know, how the Fund "Sukhumi" works. On March 23, they gathered in the conference-hall of the Fund for the ordinary information meeting.

The topic of the meeting was – suggestion of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council to the local self-government in terms of violence.

The problem of violence against women is considered relevant by the journalists and for many years they work in this direction. They were interested in specific questions and received answers, which will be reflected in their materials.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



On March 21, international day of journalistic, Senaki journalists gathered in publishing house of the newspaper “Kolkheti”. The conversation touched activities of media in formation of local gender policy.

The meeting was attended by Irakli Kacharava – chairperson of the youth department and gender equality - member of Gender Advisory Council. He spoke about a work carried out with the youth regarding gender equality and violence. there were materials in the media. There was expressed a will to continue cooperation, create special blocks and more actively answer the gender questions.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

Work of Senaki Gender Advisory Council regarding establishing gender policy of the municipality, issues, initiated by the GAC in the local budget, prospects of future cooperation with self-government – these were the main issues of the TV Show in “Egrisi”.

Story in the beginning of the program showed evaluation of the GAC work by the local government and the issues, for solution of which the GAC closely cooperates with local government.

It was mentioned that local government supported the initiative of Senaki GAC and the budget envisaged single assistance for the violence victim.

According to the government, the results achieved have shown that such a work should be deployed in the villages, and in all the communities must have gender councils, which will be at the forefront of local social policy.

During the dialogue in the studio "Egrisi" GAC members spoke about the work carried out in collaboration with local government and identified issues where the efforts of the GAC will be directed.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

Issues of human security - what threats were revealed for different age and social groups of women in western Georgia. Where do they feel more secure and in which areas they find it necessary to conduct significant reforms. What recommendations were developed as a result of the research and what is the feedback - the representatives of Fund "Sukhumi" spoke about the activities carried out under the joint Georgian-Abkhazian project and future strategies for the advocacy of women's issues in the air of Radio “Rioni”.

During the interview there were evaluations made in Khoni, Tskhaltubo and again there were named specific women issues. It was noted that their advocacy should be started by a group of active women.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

The live of Radio “Dzveli Kalaki” aired a show prepared by the fund “Sukhumi”. It publicized materials of presentation of brochure “Evaluation of women human security level in Wester Georgia”.

There was an interview, what do the women thing and what is dangerous for the women in Poti and village Khurcha, also what should be done for decreasing the risks.

The program was attended by the guests – assistant of the project of the fund “Sukhumi”, who spoke about activities in frames of the project and achieved results.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

TV Company “Rioni” aired a story, prepared by the fund “Sukhumi”, which publicized presentation of the brochure “Evaluation of women human security level in Western Georgia”. The event was held in the hall of Senaki Municipality with participation of representatives from different social specters.

Main topic of the story reflects opinion of the audience regarding security from different positions.

All respondents fix – the results of the research give possibility to all services to realize their responsibility, directions, where to work, as there are questions, solution of which al local level will significantly change level of human security.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

On what phase of activity is Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council, which are the projects, that will be implemented for different public groups of ozurgeti Municipality in new 2016 budget, long-term strategy for women support, where Ozurgeti GAC has a hope of local self-governmenr, successes, future plans, challenges – these issues were discussed in radio story, aired in radio “Dzveli Kalaki”.
The story also responds to the network meeting of the GACs, organized by the fund 
“Sukhumi”. It was highly appreciated by invited experts – guests, local government representatives, as the view of local government was created and recommendations were elaborated for new state action plan of protecting women from domestic violence, which will be signed in nearest future. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


TV show “7 Days” devoted one of its blocks to the second meeting of the GAC network, which was organized in Kutaisi by the fund “”Sukhumi”. The network meeting was held in a new format and was attended by the representatives of Sakrebulo and City Hall.

The story tells about the results, which were made as a result of network work. At the given phase the recommendations were elaborated for the action plan of protection from domestic violence, which defines the spheres of self-government in this direction and comprises of concrete issues, that should be done in direction of violence prevention and victims’ assistance.

By the evaluation of the respondents, the meeting was very productive and timely, which promotes to more involvement of self – government in the issue solution.


The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

Unsolved conflicts and their influence on women, concrete cases and the problems, being unsolved for years – documentary film of the fund “Sukhumi” underlines importance of women involvement in official negotiations of Georgian – Abkhazian conflict positive transformation.

The characters of the film are the women of conflict zone and border region, who share their pain to the audience. The state officials also speak about necessity of activities, which will somehow make easy the condition of population residing there. The women are more sensitive towards these issues.


The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department
of Foreign Affairs FDFA

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