Мass Мedia (136)

Mass - media. This category gives information about meetings with representatives of media, TV and Radio programs and articles prepared in frames of the projects of the Fund "Sukhumi".

Informational story in TV “Rioni”, aired on July 15, familiarized the audience with the topics of ordinary meeting of Kutaisi GAC. The members of GAC discussed results of needs research and on the basis of elaborated conclusions, began to work on package of proposals and recommendations for submission to the self-government.
Chairperson of the GAC announced most practical issues, which were raised by the group of research, answer the citizens’ needs and are in competence of local government - installation of signposts at the stops, creating informative and entertaining center for the elderly and etc.
Representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” talked about the aims of research. It was mentioned that the work revealed needs of women, youth, socially unprotected and disabled persons. Members of the GAC have a hope that most important issues will be chosen and submitted to the self-government for envisaging them in 2016 budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The journalists gathered on a balcony of Senaki WSC. The meeting summarized two-year activities of Gender Advisory Council, for establishment of gender policy and collaboration of the fund “Sukhumi” with media in frames of this work.
The members of GAC talked about a joint forum, which was held in Batumi in previous month, about experience of other GACs, future perspectives.
Soon the journalists will gather on final forum or Senaki GAC project.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


“Gender News” of the Radio “Freedom” tells about creation of GAC networks in Batumi. The meeting was held on June 29-30.
As it was aired in the story, the network joins Btumi, Kutaisi, Ozurgeti, Senaki GACs, which actively cooperate with self-governments for establishment of gender policy on local level.
Chairperson of Ozurgeti GAC – Lela Natsvaladze mentioned that the network is based on the experience of four municipalities, also on political will from the side of self-governemnt. The following phase was common strategy and joint projects.
Members of self-government of Senaki gave high evaluation to the projects, which were implemented y the GAC and expressed a hope that network will give high motivation to social activities.
“Democracy will not be developed without our inclusion. The GAC worked on common strategy, underlined local problems and defined the ways of collaboration eith self-government and other institutions for their solution”, - mentioned Meri Gelashvili, coordibator of the project of the Fund “Sukhumi”.
“We are glad that the legislative act, which was submitted to Parliament and which should carry out institutionalization of local gender councils, is a good practical illustration as the GACs, created by the fund “Sukhumi”, which has lots of vivid results in its “active”- was mentioned in the story.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


Results, achievements, initiatives and impacts of WSC work in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti and Koki/Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality) – these materials are collected in ordinary electronic bulletin No6, which was prepared in frames of the project: “strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia”.
In June,78 activities were held with participation of 951 people. 
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Olympic flame was brought on June 23, in Kutaisi. The Gender Advisory Council was involved in the process of joint project “Olympiad gives equal possibilities” – prepared by Kutaisi City Hall and the fund “Sukhumi”.
According the project different attributes were prepared: white T-Shirts with slogans – Gender Advisory Council, caps, flags, laurel crowns, hellion balloons.
The ceremony was conducted in the square of David Aghmashenebeli (Devid the Builder).    
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Research of local gender needs and recommendations for the budget of Kutaisi for 2016 - it was one of the issues at the next meeting with Kutaisi journalists.
But their special interest was caused by project called "The Olympics give equal rights." Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council has developed a draft to the event, that on June 23 in Kutaisi, the Olympic flame will arrive. It serves as the destruction of public stereotypes and the realization of the fact that sport\ is a gender-free arena. It was discussed at the meeting by the project coordinator and the assistant secretary of the GAC.
The meeting was held in the Gender Media Center.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


TV journal “7 Days” of TV Company “Rioni”, aires preparation to Olympic Flame in Kutaisi. The flame will be there on June 23, accompanied by 14 torchbearers and 2 women among them.
The program is related to the project of Kutaisi GAC “Olympiad Gives Equal Possibilities”. The proeject is implemented with co-financing of the fund “Sukhumi” and the City Hall. The aim of which is to show the society that women and men may be involved in sports.
“Gender equality does not mean only political arena”, - considers the chairperson of the GAC, member of Sakrebulo – Irma Petriashvili.
“We make gender stress on the fact that sport is not masculine culture. For this, in frames of the project special T-shirts with symbols are prepared, also informational materials that emphasize the equal progress and results of women "- note the project participants.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In the air of Radio “Freedom” showed a story, which tells about youth project of Batumi Gender Advisory Council (GAC).
The story underlines actuality of the issue: initiating public discussion – establishment of non-violent consciousness and ruining stereotypes, ensuring healthy communications, which is envisaged by the project, answers the challenges, existing in society.
Necessity of gender educational work with young people was mentioned by the members of Ozurgeti GAC, who attended the meeting in Batumi.
How should be the GAC involved in solution of problematic issues of society, what strategy should be defined for collaboration with self-government – members of Batumi and Ozurgeti GACs speak about these issues in the program.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


TV Company “Guria” publicized a story, which tells about the issues, discussed during a meeting of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council. What was shown as a result of the research, what are concrete suggestions of civil group representatives, what are the first needs of vulnerable groups, what should be envisaged  in local budget by the opinion of the members.
As the GAC members claim, they are ready to make everything to find ways for solution of the problems, identified as a result of the research and draft a strategy for gaining relevant resources in the future budget.
According to them, there is a political will in the local government for constructive collaboration.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In the program of TV “Egrisi” – Senaki, members of Senaki GAC talked about gender policy and evaluated a two – year work of the GAC.
It was said that the first tangible result was creation of youth and gender department in the local government, for which small budget was allocated. Number of recommendations were named, which were envisaged by the local government, especially regarding the youth.
The GAC members mentioned that from the government side, an expression of confidence were the projects that were financed and successfully implemented. They also noted cooperation with the media, ensuring the dissemination of information about the project and its popularization.
The story says that the GAC as intermediary body between the community and local authorities, feels high sense of responsibility. A great desire of its members is to reflect gender needs, which have emerged as a result of a recent research in the budget of the next year.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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