Trainings (104)

Training is one of the types of interactive learning. The category reflects the trainings conducted in frames of the projects, as well as participation of the Fund “Sukhumi” staff in the trainings of other organizations.

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On November 9, another lesson-training was held in frames of the Fund “Sukhumi” project - “Step by step, we will build a Peace without violence”.

The topic of the lesson - “Skills of peaceful resolution of the conflict”. Pupils got acquainted with the principles of avoiding the escalation of the conflict and with the advises of correct behavior. The work was held in the public school number 6 named after Zhiuli Shartava of the Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (Kutaisi). Like the previous 9 lessons, the tenth lesson was also interesting for the participants – it was lesson of learning a lot of new things.

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
“Women for Development” (Armenia)

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In frames of the project: “Step by Step – We Will Build Peace without Violence” the ninth lesson - training was held on October 29 in public School No 6 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic named after Zhiuli Shartava (Kutaisi). The topic of the lesson: “Styles of behavior in conflict situations”. Pupils learned behaviors, the difference between them. They learned what style to use in concrete situations. The lesson was interesting, with active inclusion of each participant.

The work was carried out in frames of the project of Fund “Sukhumi” - “Step by step, we will build peace without violence”.

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
“Women for Development” (Armenia)

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In frames of the project: “Step by Step – We Will Build Peace without Violence” the eighth lesson - training was held on November 2. The lesson was held in the public school No 6 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic named after Zjiuli Shartava (Kutaisi). It was devoted to the possible results of the conflict. With the help of specific practical exercises, pupils determined what the results of a conflict might be. The topic was very interesting for the participants.

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
Women for Development” (Armenia)

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In frames of the project: “Step by Step –We Will Build Peace without Violence” the seventh lesson - training was held on October 29. The pupils discussed the conflicts described in the textbook and the stages of conflict resolution. One part of pupils painted the conflict and the ways of a positive solution, and the other part prepared a performance with a positive decision.

The seventh lesson, like the previous six ones, was held in public school number 6 named after ZhiuliShartava of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (Kutaisi).

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
WomenforDevelopment” (Armenia)

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The sixth lesson was devoted to studying the stages of conflict escalation. In frames of the project “Step by Step – We Will Build Peace without Violence”, the work is carried out at Public School No. 6 named after ZhiuliShartava of Abkhaz Autonomous Republic (Kutaisi) After concrete exercises, the students noted that it is better not to bring the conflict situation to escalation ...

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO

WomenforDevelopment” (Armenia)

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A four-day training on: “Gender System of Early Conflict Prevention” was held in the office of the Fund “Sukhumi” with the support of the International Organization Kvinna till Kvinna. The training was attended by representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi", members of the Women Initiative Groups of Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Zugdidi. The training was conducted by the trainer invited from Spain - Felip Daza Sierra.

Identification of early conflict prevention systems, internal and external analysis, systematization and use of data, advocacy, and communication with governmental structures – discussion of each issue was carried out through practical exercises and concrete cases. As a result, the process was interesting and effective.

According to the general evaluation of the participants, this training was very important and necessary. Obtained information will be reflected in their practical work, and this is important for early prevention of conflicts.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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The reasons of conflict were discussed at the fourth and fifth lessons of the public school No 6 named after Zhiuli Shartava of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (Kutaisi). The students, together with the trainer, did specific exercises and easily understood the reasons that can cause conflict.

The lessons were held in frames of the project “Step by step - we will build peace without violence”.

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
“Women for Development” (Armenia)

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The last, fourth training was held in Senaki City Hall in frames of the project “Cooperation with local government - for gender equality and prevention of domestic violence”.

The training of the joint project of Senaki Gender Equality Council and the Fund "Sukhumi" was attended by the heads of City Hall services and the staff - 26 people participated.

The topics were important for the participants, and they joined the work with interest.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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On October 18, the third training was held as part of a joint project of Senaki Gender Equality Council and the Fund "Sukhumi".

The aim of the project “Cooperation with Local Self-Government - for Gender Equality and Prevention of Domestic Violence” is to inform different structures and actively include them in preventive measures. The third training in Sakrebulo was attended by 25 participants - heads of non-commercial legal entities and kindergarten managers.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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In frames of joint project of Senaki Gender Equality Council and Fund “Sukhumi” - “Cooperation with local self-government for gender equality and prevention of domestic violence”, the second training was held for the members of Gender Equality Council.

The participants were active. Topical issues were discussed: gender-based violence and the role of local government in violence prevention and victim assistance, projects and plans initiated by the Gender Equality Council. There was a conversation about the experience gained by the council members in cooperation with the Fund "Sukhumi".

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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