Trainings (104)

Training is one of the types of interactive learning. The category reflects the trainings conducted in frames of the projects, as well as participation of the Fund “Sukhumi” staff in the trainings of other organizations.

Training in Khobi


In Khobi there was held a training of the members of the Club of Voter Women in frames of the project: “Active involvement of women in political life of Georgia through democratization of election processes”.

The topic of training - “Elections as basis of democracy, political system and role of women in this process” appeared very interesting for the participants. Many of them mentioned that they are actively involved in the election process and the given training helped them to be aware of concrete issues and be more prepared to the elections.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


On September 20 in Zugdidi for the members of Club of Voter Women there was held a training on the following issues: elections – basis of democracy, election code of Georgia, political system, programs of political parties, structure, role and meaning, gender and gender equality, support of women candidates.

Each issue caused great interest of the participants. The club members mentioned that discussion of these issues before the elections is timely and useful.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 



Fund "Sukhumi" organized a three-day training in Kobuleti, - hotel "Sunrise". It was attended by women's initiative groups of Kutaisi, Khoni and Tskhaltubo. According to the agenda, the participants worked on advocacy: how to identify problems, plan campaigns, develop a slogan, draw clear message-box work on the SWOT analysis.
For them it was interesting the introduction of local self-government authority. Mini-lectures accompanied by practical exercises, role games, interactive work.
On the last day the groups developed action plan of advocating the concrete issues for municipalities. It was revealed that they have a certain amount of experience, which is so important for advocacy.
During three days there was great interest that was recorded during the feedback:
- For me this training was the best way to assess own resources and capabilities.
- It was interesting to learn about the experiences of other municipalities that will be implemented in our work.
On the next step initiative groups will try to advocate different issues in practice.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


For the Club of Voter Women, which was formed in Tskaltubo, there was held a training on: “Elections – as the basis for democracy, political system and role of women in this process”.

Elections are the actual issue and the participants received full information from the trainers.

Training was held on the background of active discussion. Participants noted that if the women are at the level of decision making, topical issues will be to the forefront. For this, women should contribute to the manifestation of active women, who live in their communities.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


For the members of Ozurgeti Club of Voter Women there was held a training on: “Elections – as basis of democracy, political system and role of women in this process”.

The participants heard information about election code, their rights and duties, about political system of Georgia, programs of political parties, structure and meaning.

For the participants it was interesting to realize, why it is important women’s participation in the process of decision-making, support of women candidates. All issues were discussed by practical examples – it ensured effectiveness of the training.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 



The conference Hall of Senaki Sakrebulo there was held a training for members of the Club of Women-Voters. This is the first training in the new project of the fund "Sukhumi" - "The active involvement of women in the political life of Georgia through democratization of electoral processes." The project aims to promote the development of the activity of women and enhance their role in the electoral process.

Seventeen participants of the training got acquainted with such topics as the election code of Georgia, the political system of the country, the issue of gender in supporting women candidates. Participants of the training had an opportunity to get answers to interesting questions. They are ready to join the work of the Club and to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the project.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


There was started a new project of the fund “Sukhumi” – “Active involvement of women in political life of Georgia through democratization of election processes”.

On August 24 there was held the first activity – training for the members of Kutaisi Club of Voter-Women. Experienced trainers familiarized them with lots of interesting and important information regarding election code, collaboration with political parties, gender issues, in terms of supporting women candidates. The women received answers on concrete question. In frames of the project they plan active work.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 



The representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" participated in the training, held in Tskaltubo on August 20-22, which was conducted by the Czech organization PIN for councils of Khoni and Gori, as well as representatives of partner organizations.

The purpose of the training - deepening of the strategic planning skills; the strategic direction and objectives of the local social policy, the experience in terms of social policy, and challenges for the creation of a document of the local social inclusion strategies.

Project of PIN «Strengthening of NGOs working on issues of social protection in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" is funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


Rukhi, Orulu, natsuluku, Odishi, Chkhoushi, Kulishkari, Rike, Urta – the ordinary fifth training was attended by representatives of these administrative units of Zugdidi Municipality.

Training was held by the trainers of the fund “Sukhumi” in frames of the project: "Cooperation with local government – prevention of domestic violence and protection of victims" (funded by Zugdidi Municipality Gamgeoba and co-financed by the fund "Sukhumi").

Participants of the training paid attention to the discussed issues and realized roles and responsibilities of the local government in prevention of domestic violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)



The cycle of trainings in Zugdidi was finished. In the conference hall of Zugdidi gamgeoba, there was held the last sixth training. The training was attended by representatives of following administrarive units of Zugdidi municipality – Shamgona, Tsaishi, tsatskhvi, Chakvinji, Chitatskari, Chkaduashi, Jikhashkari, Akhalkakhati. At the end of the training participants elaborated recommendation for prevention of domestic violence.

Thus, the project “Collaboration with local self-government, prevention of domestic violence and protection of victims” (funded by the Gamgeoba of Zugdidi Municipality and with financial assistance of the fund “Sukhumi”).

Of the project "Cooperation with local government – prevention of domestic violence and protection of victims" (funded by Zugdidi Municipality Gamgeoba and co-financed by the fund "Sukhumi").


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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