Ordinary meeting of Ozurgeti GAC was devoted to preparation for the conference. The conference is planned with the aim to summarize the project and familiarize with the practice of work.
The conference will be attended by the representatives of Guria, other municipalities of Guria, also municipalities of Adjara. The stress will be made on legislative change in the law regarding creation of gender councils in each Sakrebulo, that was the main goal of the project.
On August 25, there was held a meeting of Kutaisi GAC. According the project, this is the last meeting of the GAC members. The participants spoke about the results of three year work. According their evaluation, the GAC made important share in formation of local gender policy. But there is still a question support of women and the growth of their number at local political level.
The GAC members consider that it is essential to keep the resource and experience, which exists at the given moment. In order to strengthen the gender policy, they consider it important to form gender council at Sakrebulo and continuation of the work in this direction.
The ordinary meeting of GAC was devoted to the definition of the target groups of the research of local gender needs, discussion of research methods. The research will be completed in May and on the basis of the analysis of the results, Gender Council will make recommendations to the budget in 2017.
At the meeting, there were planned activities in frames of the new project, financed by the local government and the Fund "Sukhumi", aimed at prevention of domestic violence in rural areas.
The first organizational meeting with the representatives of Gamgebeli and majoritarian parliament members will be held April 25, after which in 14 territorial units of Senaki municipality there will be established gender action groups. The main objective of the project is to strengthen the role of women and youth in the processes of prevention of domestic violence.
During the meeting of Ozurgeti GAC there were discussed recommendation, elaborated in frames of research analysis of local needs. Meeting participants expressed opinion – despite the fact that at the given moment local self-government will envisage recommendations or not, all of them should me noted in the plan of gender policy of local self-government. After the completion of the project, self-government will have document, which will make easy the process of reflecting gender needs in the local budget.
On February 22, the 19th meeting of the Council of Advisers of Khoni took place in Sakrebulo with facilitation of the fund “Sukhumi”. The meeting discussed the issues included in the action plan of the social inclusion strategy, which continue the tendency of introduction of innovative social services for vulnerable groups in the municipality. To the 13 reviewed projects, comments and suggestions were made - with their consideration a final version of the action plan will be formed.
The meeting also reviewed the recommendations of the current stage of monitoring the social budget made by the Fund “Sukhumi”.
The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN