Monitoring of Law: meetings in Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Khoni, Tskaltubo

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The research on the views of representatives of law enforcement agencies in frames of monitoring the “Law of Georgia on the Elimination of Domestic Violence/Violence Against Women, Protection and Assistance to the Victims”. The locations in April were the following:  Zugdidi, Ozurgeti, Khoni, Tskaltubo. The standard questions were as follows: is there any specialization on violence, how effectively does the law work in practice, what are the challenges in this area.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Information meeting in Tsalenjikha

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In public center of the village Jgali - Tsalenjikha Municipality an informational meeting was held on the topic “Prevention of bullying and introduction of a tolerant attitude in society”. The organizer of the event is the working group of the project on localization of UN Resolution 1325, in collaboration with the Gender Council.

The meeting was attended by members of the Gender Council and Sakrebulo, young people, representatives of local television and business sphere, women IDPs, teachers from several schools, representatives of the community of the village Jgali.

The meeting was held in the format of discussion. Recommendations were developed. During the reflection there were expressed opinions to intensify such meetings. This will be the basis to raise public awareness, to prevent domestic violence and bullying, and support citizens affected by the conflict, especially young people.

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

Informational meeting with IDPs and local government representatives

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An informational meeting with IDP women on Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council was held inTskaltubo Municipality.

The presentation of Resolution 1325 and the Action Plan was presented at the meeting. The meeting participants also got acquainted with the Action Plan developed by the Tskaltuboi working group in frames of the Fund "Sukhumi"project.

The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Tskaltubo Grigol Ioseliani, who noted that the implementation of the project will contribute to reflecting the needs of the IDP community in the local budget. At the initiative of the City Hall, such meetings will be held periodically.

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

Action Plan for Localization of Resolution 1325 was approved in Zugdidi

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The members of the Gender Equality Council presented a working version of the “Road Map” / Action Plan for the localization of the National Action Plan of UN Resolution 1325 to Sakrebulo of Zugdidi municipality.

On April 5, the Road Map was approved at the Sakrebulo meeting.

The work is carried out in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan 1325 The UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”.

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

Meetings of Zugdidi working group in Ganmukhuri, Orsantia, Akhalkakhati, Kakhati

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The group of Zugdidi, working on the localization of UN Resolution 1325 held 6 informational meetings in the villages: Ganmukhuri, Orsantia, Akhalkakhati, Kakhati. Participants familiarized themselves with UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, as well as with the Action Plan developed by the Working Group to localize the Resolution.

The work is carried out in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan 1325 The UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”.

The project is being implemented by the Coalition Union - the Association of Women IDPs “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi).

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

Social Networks