Dialogue on topical issues in Tsalenjikha municipality

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The Fund “Sukhumi” and the Working Group of Tsalenjikha municipality organized an informational meeting in the village Lia (in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan 1325 The UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”). The event was attended by local and internally displaced women and girls from the villages Lia and Pakhulani and citizens living beyond the de facto border. The meeting was also attended by representatives of donor organizations.

The conversation touched the working plan for the localization of Resolution 1325, its basic principles, issues for advocacy. The problems of IDPs living in compact conditions were particularly evident: hard living conditions, the uncertain prospect of resettlement. The big challenge is the question of movement, especially for those families whose children are moving from the territory of Gali to the school in the village Pakhulani.

An interesting dialogue took place on how to build closer communication between women’s groups and local/central authorities, facilitate the exchange of information, timely identification of needs and their effective advocacy, the partnership system, in order to attract additional resources for the implementation of various local initiatives listed in terms of localization .

The project is being implemented by the Coalition Union - the Association of Women IDPs “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and the Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi).

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

Khurcha – the talk about the problems of women and girls in conflict areas

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Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council, first of all envisages the increased attention to the problems of women living in conflict areas. That is why a meeting was held in the village Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality) - women and girls were invited, as well as IDPs from nearby villages (Koki, Khurcha, Kakhati, Ganmukhuri, Orsantia, Didi Nedzi).

The meeting was attended by representatives of the US State Department and the UN Women's Organization. They listened attentively to the needs of women in terms of movement and health care. Solving these and other problems is very important for the safety and well-being of women and their families.

The meeting was held in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan 1325 The UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”.

The project is being implemented by the Coalition Union - the Association of Women IDPs “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi).

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

Questionnaire of medical staff in frames of monitoring the law

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In frames of monitoring the “Law of Georgia on the Elimination of Domestic Violence / Violence Against Women, Protection and Assistance to the Victims” the survey-questionnaire of medical staff was conducted in three municipalities of Western Georgia - Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Zugdidi. 100 beneficiaries of different profiles were interviewed.

Besides the survey, the in-depth interviews were held for two doctors in Poti and Terjola.

The purpose of the survey is to identify the shortcomings of the work of medical staff, as a referral subject, in the process of executing the law: how to increase the role of doctors in identifying the problem of violence and helping the victim.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Representatives of donor organizations – Zugdidi, meeting of the Working Group on the localization of Resolution 1325

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A meeting of the working group established in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan 1325 The UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”.

The meeting was actively participated by temporal performer of duties of the Mayor of Zugdidi municipality – Maizer Nanava, Chairman of the Sakrebulo - Mamuka Tsotseria, and representatives of the non-governmental sector. The meeting was attended by representatives of donor organizations - the US State Department and the Women's Organization of UN Georgia: Jonathan Leips Hayes, Giorgi Gabunia, Anna Pashalishvili, Tamar Lobzhanidze. They were familiarized with the process of forming the “Roadmap” of the municipality for localizing UN Resolution 1325 and noted the importance of the Working Group activities.

The project is being implemented by the Coalition Union - the Association of Women IDPs “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi).

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

Session of the Gender Equality Council in Zugdidi

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On January 18, a meeting of the Gender Equality Council of Zugdidi Municipality was held. The working plan of Gender Council for 2019-2020 was reviewed. Council members also discussed the Roadmap, developed with the aim to localize UNSCR 1325.

The meeting was very active. The members of the Council noted the readiness to include in the process of implementation the activities, that were included in the “Road Map”.

The meeting was held in frames of the project “Strengthening the capacity of regional and local administrations in processes of localization of the National Action Plan 1325 Resolution  The UN Security Council and activation of dialogue and the participation of women, including the most marginalized ones, in these processes”.

The project is being implemented by the Coalition Union - the Association of Women IDPs “Consent” (Tbilisi), the Women's Information Center (Tbilisi) and the Culture and Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” (Kutaisi).

The project is supported by US State Department and UN Women Organization

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