Monitoring showed the dynamics of active inclusion

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In frames of monitoring, the “Law of Georgia on Elimination of Domestic Violence / violence Against Women, Protection Assistance to the victim”, two focus groups were held in October with teachers from Terjola and Tskaltubo municipalities, an in-depth interview with the head of Lanchkhuti resource center. Information was also requested from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport about the work in this direction.

The aim of monitoring was to determine the level of involvement of the ministry in the implementation of the law. Number of recommendations were recorded at the meetings. The dynamics show that, in comparison with the previous years, the ministry is much more actively involved in identifying the facts.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Preparation for the training for medical staff

The project of the fund “Sukhumi”- "Strengthening of medical staff to protect the victims of domestic violence" serves to the inclusion of the medical staff in the process of violence prevention, which began in September.

In frames of the project, informational meetings were held in medical institutions. The health staff welcomed new information and expressed their willingness to be included in the work.

At this stage, materials are prepared for the guide and training module, also active preparation for the training of medical staff is carried out.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi  in Georgia

Meeting with the director of clinic


In frames of the project "Strengthening of medical staff to protect victims of domestic violence", representatives of the Fund “Sukhumi” met Shota Maruashvili, director of the medical clinic "Unical Medi", and acquainted him with the project.

- How high the rate of appeal, how is the violence victim identified and the appropriate response done from the side of medical staff - the conversation took place on these issues.

The director of the clinic expressed readiness, to cooperate actively with the Fund "Sukhumi" and to join the training program in order to inform the medical staff on the issues of preventing domestic violence.

The project is implemented with the support
of the British Embassy Tbilisi 

Two meetings with the medical staff

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Representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" met the deputy directors of the Clinic named after Leri Khonelidze and the clinic “Bomondi” and familiarized them with the project "Strengthening medical staff to protect victims of domestic violence." These clinics are going to be actively involved in the training program of the Fund “Sukhumi” in order to inform the medical staff on the issues of prevention of domestic violence, identification of violence victims and their assistance.

The project is implemented with the support  of the British Embassy Tbilisi 

The Monitoring Group was interested in rehabilitation of the rapist

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In September the monitoring group of the Fund "Sukhumi" decided to study the rehabilitation of the rapist. In order to collect qualitative information, two in-depth interviews were held in Kutaisi - with the beneficiary of the program: "Management of Violent Behavior" and an officer of the Probation Agency. Focus - groups were held in Poti and Tskaltubo with participation of lawyers, representatives of Social Services, probation agency and society. During the meetings challenges, existing in this direction were identified, the program's effectiveness was emphasized. It was unanimously agreed that it is necessary to work with the families of the risk group and especially to initiate programs that includes working with couples.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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