Meeting in the medical center “Pitsunda”


Representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" held an information meeting at the medical center for IDPs "Pitsunda". They talked about the project "Strengthening of medical staff to protect victims of domestic violence", which provides training for the medical personnel for better identification of victims of domestic violence and for their assistance. The staff of the Center will join the work with interest, as they consider it a good opportunity to gain experience.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi 

The first information meeting with doctors

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In frames of the project "Strengthening of medical staff to protect victims of domestic violence", information meetings with the staff of medical sphere started. The first meeting was held in Kutaisi regional service of the Center for Coordination of Emergency situations and urgent assistance. Doctors of so-called "emergency" believe that the work is very important in terms of protecting the victim of domestic violence. They are motivated to take part in the training, get the necessary information, share the experience with colleagues to effectively respond to cases of violence and assistance to the victim.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi 

A new project with the participation of medical personnel started

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The staff of medical sphere have a special role in prevention of domestic violence. With this reason the Fund "Sukhumi" decided to work with them.

In September, the seven-month project "Strengthening of medical staff to protect the victims of domestic violence" began. The project will be implemented in Kutaisi. In frames of this project a training for medical personnel, meeting with the subjects of referral mechanisms will be held. A guidebook for medical staff will be prepared and published, which, along with many relevant and necessary information, will also contain contact information, whom to address in case of violence.

On September 10, a working meeting was held in fund “Sukhumi”. Participants discussed issues related to the implementation of the project, a plan for carrying out activities.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi  in Georgia

A memorandum about implementation of the joint project was signed in Senaki

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A memorandum of cooperation and implementation of the joint project was signed on September 12 between Senaki Gender Equality Council and the Fund "Sukhumi".

The sides came to agreement on following issues: the Gender Equality Council and the Fund “Sukhumi” will implement a joint project "Cooperation with Local Self-Government - for Gender Equality and Prevention of Domestic Violence".

It is planned to conduct 4 trainings in frames of the project: for the members of the Gender Equality Council, heads of the City Hall services and decision makers, as well as with representatives of the Mayor in the villages and majoritarian candidates of communities. The theme of the training is gender, gender violence and the role of local government as one of the subjects of referral mechanisms.

It is also planned to conduct a survey in 14 communities of Senaki Municipality with the aim of analyzing the situation regarding violence against women.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Formation of the women coalition "Woman and Peace"

Women Coalition "Woman and Peace" - for human security in conflict situations, confirmed its desire to act together and carried out work on formalization, developed and adopted for implementation: the Coalition Regulations, Strategy and Action Plan for the period 01.05.18-30.04.19.

The work of the coalition is aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of the woman’s role in conflict prevention and crisis situations.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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