Meetings (629)
Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.
Starting from January, 6 information meetings with representatives of local government in the 6 cities of Western Georgia were held in Kutaisi, Tskhaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti, Zugdidi. They were provided with information about the work of the Women's Support Centers, future plans.
Mobilizers and activists of the Women's Support Centers visited Sakrebulo meeting, met with innovations, initiatives of local government.
Representatives of Senaki Women's Support Center were invited to the meeting, initiated by the Governor with civil advisers. They also presented at the presentation of the environmental project, which was held in Senaki Municipal Gamgeoba.
After New Year days, mobilizers of the Women Support Centers conducted 33 mobilization meetings in towns and villages with the IDPs and local population.
The meetings discussed changes in law against violence, under which it is foreseen to raise the role of local self-government in terms of prevention of domestic violence.
The first meeting in 2016 of Senaki Gender Advisory Council was held in January 22. The members of the GAC discussed the Action Plan for 2016-2017 years for combating violence against women and domestic violence victims protection. In particular, those points of the plan, which relate directly to local authorities, and proposed to make certain amendments.
They also actively discussed the new project ideas, with greater emphasis on the villages of Senaki municipality. Already in February, the trainings are planned for representatives of Gamgebeli in villages and rural deputies on the topic of gender and gender-based violence.
On January 22, informational meetings was held in the military settlement of Senaki, together with the IDPs there live local too. The meeting participants know the fund “Sukhumi”, but their interest was paid to information about active work of Senaki Gender Advisory Council (GAC), especially to the fact that in 2016 municipal budget, there are envisaged recommendations, submitted by the GAC.
The IDPs spoke about their problems (illegal living spaces, gasification, cellars).
It was solved that the lawyer of the fund “Sukhumi” will be involved in advocacy for fast solution of the problem.
Ozurgeti Historical Museum hosted an informational meeting, which participants got acquainted with the work of the Fund "Sukhumi" in Ozurgeti, Implemented by Gender Advisory Council and the Club of Women Voters. They learned about the gender policy, which was approved in the new city budget and the municipality.
The first responses were made to the program for people with hepatitis "C" and cancer patients. More detailed information will be given to all interested persons through the social service.
It was planned a visit of the lawyer of Fund "Sukhumi”, which will help the museum staff in advocacy of the issue related to the rehabilitation of the building.
Ordinary meeting of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC) was devoted to involvement of local self-government in the activities for prevention of domestic violence.
Members of the GAC fixed the opinion, that local governmental bodies should take part in prevention of violence, which can cover raising of awareness, study and analysis of the conflict reasons, mediation and etc.
Also organizing of crisis centers for assistance and rehabilitation for violence victims, inclusion of their needs in local social programs, assistance in imployment.
It was mentioned that one of the main instruments for prevention of the problem on local level is local self-government itself.
In collective center of Kutaisi clinical hospital, there was held a meeting with the IDPs.
They live rehabilitated building, but the accommodation space is not in their possession yet and they are scared.
Representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” (assistant and lawyer of the project) helped the IDPs to write the letter to the Minister of IDPs and Resettlement. After collecting signatures the letter will be sent to the agency, and thus the issue will be advocated.

One more active and fruitful year has come to its end.
At the end of the year, there was held traditional evaluative seminar attended by the staff and partners of the Fund “Sukhumi.
It was a summary of the year, evaluation of participation of each staff member, defining of activities and results.
Of course there were fixed the challenges, existing in the work and the ways of their solution.
-Two projects in cooperation with the local government, participation in trainings regarding different issues, informing the society through radio and TV programs, research of gender needs and elaboration of recommendations envisaging the research results, representing gender policy for establishing gender components in local budget and the support from local government – Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council summarized the activities for 2015.
The meeting, held in a format of round table was attended by the members of Sakrebulo, representatives of different services of the City Hall and NGOs.
There was also conversation about problems, gaps, plans for the future.
Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council held round table, the aim of which was summarizing the activities for the past year. The meeting was attended by representative of bothe Sakrebulos, deputy of the governor, deputies.
The meeting underlined that the GAC is connecting circle between local population and self-government.
Coming out of the fact that joint work contributed to lots of useful work, the GAC was given a suggestion from the side of Guria, to promote to creation of the GAC in a whole Guria region.