Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

Date: November 10-13, 2015
Place: Tel-Aviv hotel “Sinet”
Participants: 7 women per each country
Aim: Familiarizing with the experience of Israel women organizations on how to change reality, that accompanies conflict: hatred, violence and hostility and create an alternative to admitting hope for peace in the region.
Meeting with Israel women – activists, who joined in women movements for peace and conflict prevention: Asa Istoshina, Ester Rappoport and Lana Ziberman.
The meeting discussed issues of violence, feeling of insecurity, fear of renewed hostilities and terrorist attacks, but at the same time, the willingness of women to exert all efforts to stop occupation and the establish of sustainable peace.
Members of the Georgian-Abkhazian groups in Haifa the former residents of Abkhazia and it was possible to see the problem through their eyes.
The meeting is useful by learning experiences - approaches, methods and motivation of Israel women to unite civil society for the peaceful future of the country.
The project  is implemented with the support of  Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA


"Independent social-ecological movement" - is a Czech non-governmental organization that actively supports the work of the Fund "Sukhumi". With its assistance fund implemented the projects, there was a visit to the Czech Republic and other European countries of the Fund employees , the internship program in the NGO sector.
Recently there was completed a project "Changing the policy of local authorities to gender budgeting", implemented with the support of the organization.
On November 10 the leaders of the organization Jaromir Nemec, Irena Markova and Milan Stefanet visited the Fund "Sukhumi". The meeting summed up the results of the project activities. There was also conversation about cooperation with the local government and its plans for the future.
The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
«The independent socio-environmental movement»


Academy of public development conducted presentation of the project: “promotion of pre-school educational service” in the conference-hall of Batumi University of Art. The project is funded by the fund “Sukhumi” and Batumi City Hall and serves to strengthening of the work of the teachers with parents of children, solution of psychological, sanitarian and other issues, development of scientific skills and healthy attitude to the environment.
In frames of the project there will be held trainings, seminars, consultative meetings, there will be organized “eco corner” and will start functioning the parents’ club, which will promote to maximal involvement of the parents in the process of pre-school education.
There was signed a memorandum between, “public development academy”, “Unity of Batumi kindergartens” and Batumi Gender Advisory Council, the aim of which is collaboration in successful implementation of the reforms of educational sphere, especially in the spheres of pre-school and informal education.
The project was positively evaluated by the chairpersons of Batumi kindergarten unity.


The fund “Sukhumi” started preparation for the campaign of 16 active days against violence towards the women.
On November 4 there was held a meting, attended by the chairpersons of the project “Strengthening of women’s rights in Western Georgia”, assistants, lawyers, psychologists, mobilizers of tej Women Support Centers of Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha/Koki (Zugdidi Municipality).
Participants overviewed the plan of conducting campaign, made ammendmnts, expressed ideas and initiatives.
There are more than 100 activities under the plan, with participation of all units of the Fund “Sukhumi”.
With joined efforts in Western Georgia once again there will be held a powerful information campaign with the aim of prevention of violence and protection of victims.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Youth Forum in Batumi

In school №2 of Batumi in framework of the project "Batumi youth - for the non-violent society" vthere was held Youth Civic Forum. The project is implemented under the Association of Gender Advisory Council (GAC) Batumi "Group of Civil Initiatives" with support of Batumi City Hall and the Fund "Sukhumi".
The forum was attended by students and teachers of Batumi schools, representatives of governments, GACs and the local community. Forum theater, based in six schools in Batumi will offer viewers the innovative art method by which is turned on ordinary citizens, especially young people, to find the causes of the problem and solutions.
The presentation of the forum-theater was followed by discussion, there were given proposals and  recommendations for the prevention of violence and contribution of healthy lifestyle. During group work the problem of social tolerance and bullying was especially highlighted. There was also mentioned a need for awareness of the problems of violence in the highland villages of Adjara. The project will promote the correct understanding of the problem of violence and intolerance against him and uniting society for the prevention of violence and assistance to victims.


IDPs of the collective center of the hotel “Khvamli” live in hard and confused situation. With the help of representative of the fund “Sukhumi”, they try to advocate their problems. They sent the letter to the Ministry of IDPs and resettlement, but still without answer.
During the informational meeting, held on November 3, the statement was made once again. The families, residing in collective centers will sign the statement and will wait for the official answer from the Ministry.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On November 2 in Hague - Netherlands there was held the seventeenth International Conference of WAVE network (Women in Europe against violence towards the women) - "The total strength of women to stop the violence!"
The network consists of 92 members - women organizations and networks from all over Europe. The conference was attended by representatives of organizations from 50 countries, including Georgia, which was presented by the Fund "Sukhumi".
The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women Dubravka Simonovic touched the causes and consequences of violence against women, as well as international mechanisms for the protection of women, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Istanbul Convention.
There were presented short presentations on the work of some organizations, after which there were discussions, workshops, and recommendations were given.
The second part of the conference was devoted to the general meeting of the network. Network presented financial reports online, there were board elections for the next two years, as well as the awarding of prizes named Corinne Safe - a remarkable woman, feminist and researcher on violence against women and gender.


Two – day conference was held in Tbilisi, which was devoted to introduction of gender equality principles in local self-governments (organizers: UN women organization, women informational center, women fund “Taso”).
The conference was attended by Gender Advisory Councils created by the fund “Sukhumi”. On the first day, the participants discussed necessary institutional mechanisms of gender equality and summed up the results of the project for implementation of the principle of "one window".
On the second day of the conference, special attention was paid to gender-sensitive budgeting. Representatives of the Gender Advisory Councils of Kutaisi, Senaki, Ozurgeti and Batumi shared with participants their experiences on the implementation of gender budgeting and action plans of local gender policies.
It was said that the practice of existing gender advisory councils is the best proof for the timely adoption of prepared legislative changes.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The fund “Sukhumi” organized round table in the City Hall of Kutaisi, which was attended by the members of Sakrebulo, representatives of law protecting structures and NGOs, lawyers, psychologists, social workers, teachers, journalists – people, who have direct contact with the problem of domestic violence.
Active discussion was held regarding changes, prepared by the national network of Protection from Violence for introduction in the organic law of Georgia "Code on local government" and in the Law of Georgia "On Combating Domestic Violence, the protection of victims of domestic violence and their care".
The meetings was led by representatives of national network of Protection from Violence. There were fixed: experience of participants, their attitude to the problems, concrete examples and general opinion: local self-government should be involved in the process of violence prevention and victim protection. It is very important for solution of this actual issue.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


To ensure the inclusion of local government in the eventsagainst domestic violence, National Network of Protection from Violence prepared changes in the organic law of Georgia "Code on local government" and in the Law of Georgia "On Combating Domestic Violence, the protection of victims of domestic violence and their care".
On October 28, fund "Sukhumi" organized civic debate where women activists got familiar with the draft laws. They noted that the inclusion of local governments in the prevention of domestic violence and protection of victims is important, because the local authority has information about local needs.

The project is implemented with support of the National Network of Protection from Violence


Social Networks