Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

Ordinary meeting of Kutaisi GAC was held. Main part of the meeting was devoted to  the work on recommendations, on the basis of which a model of gender policy should be created. Participants of the meeting were actively involved in discussion. Recommendations touched almost each spheres: education, culture, sport infrastructure. Particular discussion was held regarding gender budget. Despite different points of view, interesting suggestions were announced, which will have recommendation character and will find reflection in document of gender policy.
In the second part of meeting the project was evaluated, which was implemented by gender council “Camp for Teenagers – Gender Education for Young Athletes”. During discussions of the results it was mentioned that this project will promote to effective cooperation of the local government and GAC in future.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Despite of hot August, Women Support Centers continued working. 33 mobilization meetings were held in Municipalities of Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti and Zugdidi – in collective centers and villages.
The meeting discussed problems of the youth. The main problems were: unemployment, migration of the youth, small amount of youth activities in regions, also frequent facts of suicide.
In August WSCs organized 6 informational meetings with representatives of self-government of Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti and Zugdidi – mainly in social and youth services.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On July 29, the last activity was carried out of the project, which was implemented together with the National Network of the women NGOs regarding violence against women.
Assistant of the project, together with the persons with disabilities, visited the meeting of Kutaisi Municipality Sakrebulo. 12 questions were raised for voting.
Beneficiaries were satisfied by conducted work. They decided to continue attending meeting and be more involved in the City life.
As a result of three month project “The Unity of Disabled Women – Imereti 2015” was created, which is led by one of the active participants of the project – Nato Kupatadze.


Six-month project of Gender Advisory Council (GAC) of Senaki was finished. On July 28 was held final activity of the project – forum-presentation of the project “Civil Education for Establishing Gender Equality and Healthy Environment in Preschool Premises of Senaki Municipality”, co-financed by the local self-government and Fund “Sukhumi”. The forum was attended by deputy of Gamgebeli, representative of administration of Samegrelo and Zemo Svaneti, representatives of the fund “Sukhumi”, GAC members, beneficiaries of the project.
Before starting the presentation, invited guests had opportunity to visit exhibition of handmade of the local women and photo materials of the abovementioned project.
Participants of the forum underlined importance of the project and actuality of the issues, raised by the project. Beneficiaries of the project expressed hope for participation in other projects of the GAC.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


The project launched by the Fund "Sukhumi" on May 1came to its end. The project was aimed at persons with disabilities, together with the National Network of Women's NGOs on violence against women
On July 24 informational meeting was held in a different format. There was organized a visit at the House-Museum of famous Georgian writer David Kldiashvili village Simoneti (Terjola municipality). It was an informational meeting and conclusions, and tour...
Beneficiaries expressed their pleasure:
Liana Kukhianidze: - I learned a lot. I liked your job, attention from your side. I will remember this day for a long time...
Robert Tsereteli: - I am satisfied with the training, which taught me a lot about the work of NGOs, attended the meeting at City Hall. I learned that anyone can attend the meetings.
Nato Kupatadze: - During this period legal and psychological consultations, meetings with Fund "Sukhumi" staff were special for me. It is a pity that the project is going to end soon...


On ordinary meeting, members of Batumi GAC discussed the issues which to their opinion should be reflected in the package of suggestions and recommendations for submission in the self-government. The data of document submission were talked over in order to coincide them with the pre-budget period.
The meeting heard information regarding current projects, two of them are in the active phase. New project ideas were discussed. The GAC is going to submit one more project for contest program in the City Hall.
The conversation also touched problems of citizens, who address for a help to the GAC.
On the initiative of GAC members a training was planned aiming at gender education of government staff.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


Ordinary informal meeting in Ozurgeti was held with the residents of Chokhatauri Street. Residents of the room 14 (ethnic Armenians among them) speak about the problem of gasification. As 86 year-old lady – Eteri Mgaloblishvili mentions, natural gas passes in some meters from their building.
The audience raised the issue several times with the help of the Fund ”Sukhumi” in the City Hall regarding the problems of roofing and yards, but these problems are still unsolved.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Ordinary meeting of Ozurgeti GAC summarized meeting of four GACs in Batumi (Batumi, Ozurgeti, Kutaisi, Senaki), which was finalized by creation of GAC network.
The participants talked about meaning of the network. According to them, it is a good opportunity for joint work with the coordinator and active exchange of opinions.
The meeting also discussed analysis of local gender needs research. The GAC worked on recommendations, which should be submitted to local self-government for envisaging in 2016 budget. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


IDPs residing in collective center of sanatorium “Menji” speak about their problems.
 Anti-sanitary is their number one problem. A cellar of the building is filled with groundwater, which causes a toxic smell. Sewerage system is amortized, there are cracks on the walls. Residents still have not received conclusion on the validity of the building.
According to Nanuli Maisaya ceiling of the seventh floor recently collapsed. In order to solve the existing problems the residents have repeatedly appealed to the Ministry of IDPs, but the problem is still unsolved and stay actual. Senaki Gender Advisory Council will be actively involved in addressing the problem.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


"Not one of our acquaintances a victim of this disease. Positive coming from Mrs. Lali, is a direct message of those who have lost hope for a cure. I welcome activities of Gender Advisory Council (GAC). Our municipality will be an example to support the initiatives of the GAC - said the head of administration of Ozurgeti Municipality - Merab Chanukvadze.
On the background of such emotional speeches there was a presentation of the project "Cancer is not a verdict" in the boardroom of Sakrebulo with participation of  municipality officials and members of Guria Regional GACs.
The project envisaged psychological consultation. The idea belongs to Lali Sichinava (Member of Sakrebulo, Deputy Chairman of GAC).
"Cancer is not a final verdict. It can be overpowered and I am a living example of this. The main thing is inner human spirit and support from family and society, "- said Mrs. Lali.
The project is funded by Gamgeoba of Ozurgeti municipality. It will include 50 beneficiaries from 12 villages.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


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