Meetings (629)

Meetings - in this category there is an information about meetings in frames of Fund “Sukhumi” projects - meetings with beneficiaries, representatives of state structures, local and international non-governmental organizations.

In May 1-20 Batumi GAC with support of the Fund "Sukhumi" conducted a research the aim of which was - identifying gender needs of different social groups in order to give the GAC possibility to prepare proposals and recommendations for consideration in future budget 2016. 200 respondents were Interviewed, 5 focus groups were held, which covered: large families and single mothers, women - socially vulnerable and IDPs, youth and small entrepreneurs, ethnic minorities. 8 in-depth interviews were held with industry experts.
The information makes it possible to identify areas where it is more efficient to direct local resources for support of groups with special needs.
The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Department of State


On the international day of children, under organization of the fund “Sukhumi a group of modern dances „Sea2Sea“ and representatives of the fund visited the day center in Kutaisi “Bridge for Social Inclusion”.
The dancers represented a small show of modern dances, conducted master-calsses for them and thus congratulated the celebration.
Om May 27 meeting of Kutaisi Sakrebulo was attended by representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” together with the people with disabilities.
The aim of the project, in which they are involved, is their informing regarding the processed in the city and their integration in the society.
Nato Kupatadze is a person with disability. She mentioned that attended the meeting for the first time and discussed issues were too interesting for her.
The fund “Sukhumi” actively cooperates with Kutaisi Universal Library and participates in different activities.
On May 25 the competition, carried out in the library No 13 “Book from the focus” was finished.
Receipt of materials lasted during a month and tens of participants took part in it.
Different winners were revealed. 11 year old Lolita Khachaouridze won in the nomination “humor photo”. She was awarded by the prize from one of the supporters. 
The role of non-governmental organizations becomes more and more important in public life. Many organizations are active in Kutaisi.
On May 18-28 in the regions of Georgia the "Civil Week" was held in frames of which NGOs familiarize citizens with their activities.
On May 23, representatives of Kutaisi NGOs gathered in the central park of the city and made a report of the work.
Among the NGOs, publications of the Fund "Sukhumi", attracted the interest of citizens.
Also performances of the forum – theater were held.
Although of Kutaisi wind, the event was interesting. Participants expressed a desire, to often appear before their fellow citizens and to familiarize them – with what they do, what are their objectives, services and what benefits do they bring to society...   


What problems exist in our society in direction of human security; What are the risks by regions, age, social, ethnic and other differences?
Fund "Sukhumi" and the Association of Women of Abkhazia began researching human security in frames of the joint project.
Participants of the project from the Fund "Sukhumi" conducted six focus groups and six in-depth interviews in Kutaisi, Khoni, Senaki, Poti, Tskhaltubo and Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality).
120 women and girls were inquired. Presented reports made visual the needs and dangers that threaten the safety of women. The final research report will be made within a month.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


Mukhadjir – it was the name of activity, held in Tbilisi, in National Library of the Parliament, where the fund “Sukhumi” was invited (one of the organizers – Apparatus of the Minister on the issues of raising confidence and usage of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic). It was the memory of history, which caused great pain to the Georgian and Abkhazian peoples.
- We want to tell the Abkhazian, who celebrate the day that we were together in joy and in sorrow, and it always will be like this - it was said at the event.
The exhibition presented a unique photographic material. At the end of the event of Georgian-Abkhazian folklore.
According to organizers, the exhibition will also be held in other cities of Georgia.


Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council (GAC) has been actively working with local governmental structures.
On May 20, memorandum of cooperation was signed between the GAC and the province of Guria. The joint memorandum was signed by Ozurgeti City Hall, Sakrebulo, Gamgeoba of Ozurgeti municipality and communities.
Governor of Guria - Gia Salukvadze paid attention on the importance of the work in gender direction.
"City Hall of Ozurgeti municipality, is one of the first where gender balance is protected. We will accept any positive initiative and will work with GAC, "- said the Mayor Beglar Sioridze.
Chairman of Sakrebulo - Davit Darchia thanked the GAC for active and necessary work and said: "despite of small budget, we were able to finance several projects. This is a sign that we have gender mainstreaming. We hope we will be an example for other municipalities. "
According to the head of the municipality (Gamgebeli) Merab Chanukvadze, women occupied important positions in the local administration, and very successfully.
"Drawing up a memorandum of cooperation, will give us possibility to do a lot of useful things in the scale of the entire region", - said Lela Natsvaladze, a member of the City Council, Chairman of Ozurgeti GAC.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Work with disabled people in partnership with national network of protection from violence.
Om May 20, the second informational meeting was held. Beneficiaries mentioned that pension amount is too low. (I group 150 GEL, II – 100 GEL, III – 70 GEL). In spite of the fact that the Ministry of healthcare provides them with medicines, but they still need to by further more.
Meeting participants received information regarding the meeting of Sakrebulo, which will be attended by some of them together with representatives of the fund “Sukhumi n May 27.
In May 33 mobilization meetings were held in different places of Western Georgia – Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senkai, Poti and village: Ternali (Tskaltubo Municipality), Nosiri (Senaki Municipality), Khurcha nad Koki (Zugdidi Municipality).
Mobilizers did not leave without attention important date of the month: May 17 – Family Day. There was discussion regarding meaning of family, its sustainability and role of woman.
Basically there were discussed mechanisms of protection women form domestic violence. It was mentioned that it is already 10 years after receiving the law against violence by the Parliament, but its effectiveness is not reached yet.
After mobilization meetings, the women took part in activities, carried out in WSCs and majority of them solved their concrete problems. 
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


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