Workshops (86)

Workshop - is an educational activity (like seminars, courses), where the participants gain knowledge independently. Workshops are held on different topics with women and young people. Workshops are often conducted by the participants themselves.


Workshop, held in the fund “Sukhumi” was devoted to the international day of psychical health. The topic of the workshop – “Identification of crisis families and following intervention”. The workshop was conducted by the psychologist of the fund “Sukhumi”. Mobilizers heard information, of how to identify crisis families, how to overcome supposed problems, how to behave if the woman or a child is a violence victim…mobilizers were given specially prepared guidelines and advises.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Mentality, personal evaluations and their influence on development of domestic conflicts – these issues were discussed on the workshop in conflict management in Poti, Kutaisi and Koki (Zugdidi Municipality).

Participants – young people tried to analyze the topic: according the scenery, the husband often forgot about the marriage date. Moreover he knows that the wife pays particular attention to it. The conflicts starts mainly for this reason.

According to the young participants of the meeting, people have different values, and this is often the cause of the conflict. During the discussion, it was mentioned that family relations are based on mutual respect. Therefore, the details unimportant for one side, can be important to the other one.

This debate helps young people to think correctly, and take into account the details that contribute to the conflict management.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


"My parents and I are believers, and always keep the post. For the new year we prepared post meals. After marriage, in the family of her husband I met radically different situation. They declared that New Year is a special holiday for them, and there should be a pig, turkey kebabs ... When I said modestly that it is not necessary to prepare so many things, in my address I heard insulting words. Now I realized that I had the wrong position. It is necessary to respect the values ​​of others ", - on the background of the analysis of real-life stories workshops were held with women's groups in Tskhaltubo, Senaki, Khoni.

Participants believe that conflict management is particularly important to consider the values ​​of others, not to become the cause of strife.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


On the background of interesting discussion workshop was held in the hall of Tskhaltubo Sakrebulo, with civil society activists.

Each speaker spoke emotionally about the problems, especially women IDPs - about the difficult conditions in collective centers of sanatorium.

Among the problems, the solution of which is possible at the local level, there have been called that there is no toilet in the town, as well as the fountain for drinking water. Despite the fact that the town has a good sport school, all sports are only for boys. It is desirable to add a gym, as there are many comers. Women touched the issue of lack of information. They know nothing about the state programs that promote business development.

Among the participants there was an initiative group that will try to advocate the issues in cooperation with the local authorities.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


The fund “Sukhumi” organized a workshop in Library of Khoni, with participation of women – activists. Participants familiarized with conception of inclusive security. They discussed problems, which cause danger to different groups of society. Together with global problems, there were problems, which can be solved at local level.

Participants expressed readiness to be actively involved in the process, which is planned with the aim of advocating these problems.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)


Workshops with the women groups were held in Khoni, Senaki, Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality). After discussion of the examples of domestic conflicts, the work was interactive. The participants mentioned that they have never looked at themselves from the side and saw that often they are the initiators of conflicts.

- It's hard to be angry with yourself, but it is easy to keep evil on others.

- Often, when offended at someone, i pour it out on the family - because it is always difficult to beat yourself.

- If people are able to manage personal, internal conflicts there will be fewer family conflicts - such was the opinion of the participants.

At the workshops, it was noted that conflictology should be tough during the workshops, as a subject, especially in the higher classes, as young people will study themselves better, and easily will resolve conflicts of various types.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The discussion of personal conflicts was interesting to young people. The views expressed by them, showed that they are often in conflict with themselves: when they do not know what they want, what their purpose is. Internal conflicts, they often make out, and it is negatively reflected in relations with others.

Imitated family scenespresented by the separate groupswere interesting. Young people came to the conclusion that if we want to solve the conflict, first of all, it is necessary to resolve internal conflicts, and then it will become easier to manage family conflicts.

Workshops were held in Tskaltubo, Poti, Kutaisi.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Series of workshops on the issue of gender and domestic violence are held in the villages of Semanki municipality in frames of the project of Gender Advisory Council “Prevention of domestic violence in Senaki Municipality” (project is co-financed by local government of Senkai and Fund “Sukhumi”).

Workshops are held by the training participants for trainers, organized in the beginning of June. Representatives of society, equipped with relevant trainer skills, spread their knowledge between different groups of village population: pupils, teachers of kindergartens and schools, residents of the villages and etc.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Workshops on conflict were held in Tskhaltubo, Senaki, Khoni. They were attended by women of different ages.

How to use the communication with the management of conflicts, why we do not have effective relationships with each other - in this regard, a discussion was held.

Participants analyzed the life examples. They alked about the problems that prevent or vice versa - promote communication.

According to the participants of workshops, discussions on these issues should be continued, since the role of communication is important in conflict management. The more people become familiar with the techniques of effective communication, the less the risk of family conflict is.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



Who and how knows and how effectively uses technique of communication. What is the connection between communication and conflict – young people held discussions on these issues on the workshops in Poti, Koki (Zugdidi municipality) and Kutaisi.

During the work there were used imitated presentations. The participants showed how important is communication in domestic conflict management.

Different opinions were expressed:

-Communication is not only conversation. Its effectiveness is how correctly you present and receive information.

-Incorrectly received opinion often becomes reason of difference of opinions and promotes to development of conflict.

Participants think that the society should receive information about effective communication as it is good mechanism for prevention of domestic conflicts.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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