Workshops (86)

Workshop - is an educational activity (like seminars, courses), where the participants gain knowledge independently. Workshops are held on different topics with women and young people. Workshops are often conducted by the participants themselves.



On May 5 members of Gender Advisory Council of Senaki started the cycle of workshops on the issue of gender and domestic violence in frames of the project “Prevention of domestic violence in Senaki municipality”.

Workshops were held in 6 village communities (Akhaltsikhe, Nokalakevi, Eki, Zana, Nosiri, Gajeti) for the members of gender initiative groups, formed there. Number of participants is more than 100. The project is co-financed by local self-government of Senaki municipality and fund “Sukhumi”. Representatives of Gamgeoba and majoritarian candidates of all village communities of Senaki are actively involved in the project. Similar workshops will be held in 8 village communities else.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

In cooperation with the Association of kindergartens of Tsqaltubo Municipality, fund  "Sukhumi" held a workshop on "Gender and gender approaches in the field of upbringing and education of preschool age children." The workshop was attended by 33 participants - managers and teachers of 16 kindergartens. The following topics were considered: gender, gender approaches, indicators of gender mainstreaming, gender models in kindergartens and schools. The work was held using different methods, active discussions.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN
(donor - World Bank)


On May 6, in Tskaltubo, collective center of the sanatorium “Megobroba”, there was held a workshop on the rights of IDPs and advocacy. The workshop on May 7 in collective center of sanatorium “Medea” was devoted to the same issue.

The meetings were held by the young people, who passed relevant trainings and gained the skills of advocacy and elaborated the steps of advocacy.

Several problems were named: bad road, cleaning the territory, lighting and sanitation problems. It was noted that the valve is only on the ground floor, it is necessary to carry out  disinfection to kill reptiles and insects.

In Sanatorium “Medea”, participants mentioned that the building is dangerous for living, there is the problem of the roof and lighting. There are facts, when a person is left without the status of socially unprotected. There are problems regrading transporting children to school and a kindergarten.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Workshop with the youth started with the analysis of private conflicts and psychological test, which gave the participants possibility to define their psychological type.

After this task there was imitation of family scenes. Participants "mastered" in the role of aggressive husband and obedient wife, considered contributing factors and reflected the dynamics of the conflict. Performances showed that the escalation of the conflict often depends on the nature of man.

How to manage conflicts, in order to avoid becoming a victim or rapist - on this subject there was held interactive work.

After fixing different opinions, there was general assessment: we must be able to analyze conflicts, manage emotions, act to neutralize the situation.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Do we get along with ourselves, what are the types of our character, who and how manages their emotions - these issues were discussed with great interest by women's groups in Khoni, Senaki, Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality).

Most of the participants said, they never assessed themselves, did not think that their character often contributes to the development of family conflicts.

- I can not rule emotions, can not stop the family conflicts. Then I regret, but it's too late - in the background of such open monologue other considerations were also fixed: balanced people, are not always able to solve the conflict, they can continuously tolerate, but do not solve the problem.

In the overall assessment of the participants, it is necessary to speak more with the women, that they have to recognize themselves that will help them in the management of family conflicts.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Workshops with the women were held with the analysis of interesting histories on:”Women Solidarity – one of the Mechanisms of Conflict Management”.

- Prevention of violence and assistance to the victim is impossible without solidarity and support of women, and it is particularly well illustrated during domestic conflicts. If daughter is a victim of violence, she knows that first of all, she will not have support from the mother – mention the participants.

There was named a real story when a young woman, beaten by a husband appeared in the hospital, and his mother claimed to doctors that a box fell on her from the cupboard. Participants noted that in the last period, a lot has changed for the better, but still there is a lack of unity, solidarity of women, and such events help women to express support to the victim.

Workshops were held in Khurcha, Senaki, Kutaisi.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

How important is the solidarity to protect the rights of women, why women often do not support violence victim - these issues were discussed with young people in the workshops held in Tskhaltubo, Poti and Khoni.

Used simulated presentation on the topic of family conflicts facilitated the analysis of the issues discussed.

- Lack of solidarity actually exists. Very often, during conflicts, women not only do not express support to the victim, but on the contrary, in any case, find guilty in a woman.

During a conversation about the reasons, participants focused on Georgian mentality and wrong education. According to them, women need to have more information in order to see the importance of solidarity in the prevention of violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In Batumi and Kobuleti there was held ordinary cycle of gender education of upper graders and students in frames of the project "Cultural dialogue of generations, as a positive experience." Theme of workshops was diverse: "Women's and girls' rights", "Violence in the family and its social outcomes", "Persons with Disabilities and the terms associated with them", "Vision of generations - personal communications in the family and society"

Great interest from the youth and their involvement once again stressed the need for such activities. Such meetings were highly  appreciated by parents and teachers part of them was actively involved in dialogue with youth and expressed a will for future cooperation. . 


Many live stories women remembered in the workshops on conflict. It turned out that they have accumulated examples of successful and unsuccessful negotiations. There were also those who have experience in this area:

- I have repeatedly intervened in the conflict between neighbors. Experience has taught me a lot. I learn till today. Not everyone is able to be a facilitator, can. If a person is impulsive, it is better not to interfere. So it is possible to strain the situation even more.

The meeting participants were informed about the meaning of facilitation, mediation, when and how to be involved in order to resolve the conflict.

According to the women received information will give them more courage to be involved in family conflicts in order to avoid violence.

Workshops were held in Kutaisi, Khoni and Khurcha (Zugdidi Municipality).

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In Tskhaltubo, Senaki and Poti on the next workshop on conflict, young people have discussed the following questions: "Negotiation, facilitation, mediation - as a conflict management mechanisms."

Role plays on the issue of negotiations have created a good basis for the analysis and  interesting suggestions were recorded:

- The negotiations should be started with common points of contact between conflicting parties. In other cases, there will always be a wall.

- Facilitation - a complex process. The third party should be interested in the solution of the conflict, should be able to analyze in order to properly assess the situation and make a fair decision.

According to the participants, it is necessary to learn how to conduct negotiation. Facilitation Skills that were developed during the workshops, they will use in life for conflict management, which implies prevention of violence.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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