The representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" participated in the training, held in Tskaltubo on August 20-22, which was conducted by the Czech organization PIN for councils of Khoni and Gori, as well as representatives of partner organizations.

The purpose of the training - deepening of the strategic planning skills; the strategic direction and objectives of the local social policy, the experience in terms of social policy, and challenges for the creation of a document of the local social inclusion strategies.

Project of PIN «Strengthening of NGOs working on issues of social protection in the strategic dialogue in Georgia" is funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN 


In Tskaltubo thee was held a training on: “Resort service and ethics”. Great interest of participants was caused by the fact that majority of them work in this sphere and they need to master the skills training provided.

The training presented theory and practice, which has a positive impact on its productivity.

Participants noted, that it is desirable to carry out cycle of such trainings on a larger scale.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN
(donor - World Bank)


On May 12, in Tskaltubo there was held training on "Basics of small business and a composition of business plan." It was attended by 13 young people who have passed computer courses and sewing classes. After the training, participants developed a business plan. They will have the opportunity to take part in the competition of projects and receive a special prize, which will help them in implementation of their ideas.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


Tskaltubo Women's Support Centre in the village of Tskaltubo held training on "Knowledge will overcome the violence." Among the 18 participants there were representatives of the village government, activists and medical personnel.

Information about the law against violence, arresting and protective orders, victim support programs, group for assignment of status of the victim - these and other issues were discussed during the training. At the end the recommendations have been developed for the effective protection of victims and preventive work.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)
On November 16-29, in frames of the project “promotion of pre-school education service” supported by the fund “Sukhumi” and Batumi City Hall, there were held trainings in Batumi Kindergartens No, 2, 11, 12, 14 (10 kindergartens participate on a whole).
Each training lasted for 10 hours with participation of 60 people – kindergarten staff and parents.
There were discussed following issues: violation and different forms of violence, violence regarding children, bulling, gender equality, individual and society, positive sides of gender equality and etc.
Thematics is relevant and useful for participants of the training. There were expressed opinions regarding necessity of continuation of trainings. 


-Hot, dynamic training with effective mix of theoretical and practical parts, - this was evaluation of the participants of the training, organized by the fund “Sukhumi
 in Batumi.
The first day was devoted to discussion of human security components. Especially interesting was analyzing of these issues in gender prism.
According to the project, training participants will conducte trainings on these issues in Kutaisi, Senaki, Poti, Khoni, Tskaltubo and Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality). The second day was devoted to the technics and methodology of the researches.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)




“Gender and Gender Violence” – a training on this issue was held in Sakrebulo of Senaki in frames of the project “Prevention of domestic violence in Senaki Municipality” (the project is co-financed by the local government of Senaki and the Fund “Sukhumi”).

The training was participated by two representatives per each of 14 communities of Senaki municipality. They familiarized with interesting and actual issues, with the skills of trainer and then they will held workshops on gender issues in their communities.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



In the hall of Khoni Sakrebulo there was held a meeting within the project "Community mobilization for prevention of domestic violence." Representatives of administrative units of Matkhojhi, Kukhi, Nakhakhulevi, Gocha Djikhaishi attendee the meeting together with the staff of local government.

The training was interesting, practical examples, statistics were discussed. Participants talked about the reasons and prevention of domestic violence. It was noted that in frames of the project information sessions will be carried out in Matkhodzhi, Kukhi, Nakhakhulevi - it will contribute to community mobilization for prevention of domestic violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In Khobi there was held a training of the members of the Club of Voter Women in frames of the project: “Active involvement of women in political life of Georgia through democratization of election processes”.

The topic of training - “Elections as basis of democracy, political system and role of women in this process” appeared very interesting for the participants. Many of them mentioned that they are actively involved in the election process and the given training helped them to be aware of concrete issues and be more prepared to the elections.

The project is implemented with the support  of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia 


On January 16-17 in the fund “Sukhumi” there was held a training on: “Development of strategy in fundraising”. It was attended by the group of fundraising and mobilizers of all 6 WSCs.

During the training there were made stresses on following topics: how to attract resources for project implementation, planning of searching the donors, main steps of the searching grants, SWOT analysis and so on.

The mobilizers were actively involved in the work. They have a practice of independent implementation of the projects and for the given moment for them it is necessary to find donor organizations, funds. The training gave them these skills and experience. 

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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