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- Definition of post-traumatic stress syndrome. Identification of the victim and following stages. Systematization of data - discussion of these issues were held during the third, final day of training with representatives of the medical sphere in the Fund "Sukhumi".

Through group exercises participants discussed the barriers of the victim identification process. They talked about the expected risks. After their definition, attention was paid to the security plan and victim assistance.

Doctors believe that such trainings should be carried out in all clinics. It will help to inform the medical staff and effectively assist the victim.

The cycle of training was carried out in frames of the project “Strengthening of medical staff to protect the victims of domestic violence”. At the end of the training, the participants were given the guide “The Role of Medical Staff in Violence Prevention”, published in frames of the project.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi 

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On December 1-4, in Swedish Research Center of Istanbul, there was held a training of trainers of the Fund “Sukhumi” on early warning of conflicts using the GREWS system. The training was financed by the Swedish women organization Kvinna Till Kvinna.

How to attract volunteers to participate in the system of early warning and early response to conflicts, the development of a long-term strategy of GREWS, related to the theory of change - these and many other issues were discussed during the four - day work at the training.

The group visited a Syrian non-governmental organization working in Istanbul for early warning of conflict, as well as the Consul General of Sweden in Turkey, who listened to information about our activities and shared her experience of working with Turkish women.

Four fruitful, informative days were spent in intense, but useful work.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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The training on the topic “Violence against women, domestic violence and legal response mechanisms” was conducted in the meeting room of Samtredia municipality local self-government. Participants of the training were staff members of Samtredia Municipality department of the MIA.

The training was organized by Anti Violence Network of Georgia (AVNG) and a representative of the regional committee of Imereti region of the AVNG - Fund “Sukhumi”.

The training was interesting – participants shared information and discussed topical issues.

The project is implemented with support of the National Network of Protection from Violence

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The training on the topic “Violence against women, domestic violence and legal response mechanisms” was organized by Anti Violence Network of Georgia (AVNG) and Fund “Sukhumi” on December 1, in the office of Fund “Sukhumi”. 

Participants of the training discussed issues of violence, gave many examples and shared their experiences.

Fund "Sukhumi" is a representative of the regional committee of Imereti region of the AVNG and is actively involved in prevention of violence.

The project is implemented with support of the National Network of Protection from Violence

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Doctors from different clinics of Kutaisi and the students of medical faculty gathered in the Fund "Sukhumi" for the second training. Work continued on the topic:“The role of medical staff in violence prevention”.

This time the psychologist and the doctor worked with the participants. The following questions were discussed: the theory of the cycle of violence, the phases and stages of cohabitation of victim and rapist, psycho-social portraits of victim and rapist, the first visit of the patient and identification of the victim from the side of the doctor. Specific signs: visible damage of the body and invisible signs.

The cycle of trainings is carried out in frames of the project “Strengthening of medical staff for the protection of violence victims”.

Soon the participants will meet at the third, final training and discuss practical issues.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi 

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It was the first time when so many doctors gathered in the Fund “Sukhumi” - doctors from different clinics of Kutaisi and students of the medical faculty took part in the training on the topic: “The role of medical staff in violence prevention”.

The first training was devoted to gender problems in the social and legal context. The actual  issues were discussed: scales of violence against women, anatomy of gender violence, law and mechanisms for its implementation, referral subjects.

The cycle of trainings is carried out in frames of the project “Strengthening of medical staff for the protection of victims of domestic violence”.

Participants will gather at the second training in the next week.

The project is implemented with the support of the British Embassy Tbilisi  in Georgia

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On November 9, another lesson-training was held in frames of the Fund “Sukhumi” project - “Step by step, we will build a Peace without violence”.

The topic of the lesson - “Skills of peaceful resolution of the conflict”. Pupils got acquainted with the principles of avoiding the escalation of the conflict and with the advises of correct behavior. The work was held in the public school number 6 named after Zhiuli Shartava of the Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (Kutaisi). Like the previous 9 lessons, the tenth lesson was also interesting for the participants – it was lesson of learning a lot of new things.

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
“Women for Development” (Armenia)

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In frames of the project: “Step by Step – We Will Build Peace without Violence” the ninth lesson - training was held on October 29 in public School No 6 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic named after Zhiuli Shartava (Kutaisi). The topic of the lesson: “Styles of behavior in conflict situations”. Pupils learned behaviors, the difference between them. They learned what style to use in concrete situations. The lesson was interesting, with active inclusion of each participant.

The work was carried out in frames of the project of Fund “Sukhumi” - “Step by step, we will build peace without violence”.

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
“Women for Development” (Armenia)

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In frames of the project: “Step by Step – We Will Build Peace without Violence” the eighth lesson - training was held on November 2. The lesson was held in the public school No 6 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic named after Zjiuli Shartava (Kutaisi). It was devoted to the possible results of the conflict. With the help of specific practical exercises, pupils determined what the results of a conflict might be. The topic was very interesting for the participants.

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
Women for Development” (Armenia)

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In frames of the project: “Step by Step –We Will Build Peace without Violence” the seventh lesson - training was held on October 29. The pupils discussed the conflicts described in the textbook and the stages of conflict resolution. One part of pupils painted the conflict and the ways of a positive solution, and the other part prepared a performance with a positive decision.

The seventh lesson, like the previous six ones, was held in public school number 6 named after ZhiuliShartava of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic (Kutaisi).

The project is implemented with the support of the NGO
WomenforDevelopment” (Armenia)

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