For the first time in Sachkhere - a meeting in Sakrebulo

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Fund "Sukhumi" held an information meeting in Sachkhere for the first time. Representatives of the local government and members of the Gender Equality Council gathered in the meeting room of Sakrebulo. The meeting was held within the framework of the project "Learning from the experience of Visegrad 4 to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance". Attendees were provided with information on the role of the Gender Equality Council in the implementation of gender policy at the local level. A strategic guidance for local government, elaborated by Fund “Sukhumi”, was also reviewed.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

Information meeting with Gender Equality Council of Bagdati

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An information meeting of Fund “Sukhumi” representatives with the gender equality Council of Bagdati Municipality was held in the meeting room of the Resource Centre. The conversation was about gender oriented policy of the municipality, experiences and challenges as well as work experiences of Gender Councils of other municipalities.

The main part of the meeting was dedicated to consideration of a draft of Gender Policy Action Plan. Main directions, goals and activities were defined.

The meeting was held in the frames of the project "Learning from the experience of Visegrad 4 to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance".

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

Information meeting with gender Equality Council of Lanchkhuti Municipality

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Fund Sukhumi organized an information meeting with the Gender Equality Council of Lanchkhuti Municipality.

Participants of the meeting discussed Strategic Guidance on local gender policy elaborated by Fund “Sukhumi”, including such issues as: gender mainstreaming at local level, what should individuals, working in this direction take into consideration, what means gender focus in the budget etc. A draft of the Gender Action Plan of the Council was also reviewed. Main directions of the Council’s activity were defined.  

The meeting was held in the frames of the project "Learning from the experience of Visegrad 4 to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

Terjola - information meeting with Gender Equality Council

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Fund “Sukhumi” organized meeting of the Gender Equality Council of Terjola Municipality Sakrebulo. Participants of the meeting discussed how to incorporate gender approaches at local level. Fund “Sukhumi” shared its experience.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to consideration of an Action Plan draft. The plan reflects: structure of the Council, its institutional development, trainings on gender issues, gender programs in local budget, creation of gender statistic.

The meetings was held within the framework of the project "Learning from the experience of Visegrad 4 to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance".

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

The Regional Peacekeeping Platform was created

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In order to enable civil society organizations in the South Caucasus and Central Asia to work on peacekeeping, for transformation of conflicts peace education, to cooperate and share best practices, lessons learned online and offline, and to discuss key issues related to civil society, the second meeting of the Regional Peacekeeping Platform in Tbilisi was held from May 28 - 31.

The platform included two organizations from Armenia, two from Georgia and one from Kyrgyzstan. As a result of the meeting, a Memorandum of Cooperation was discussed and adopted. The meeting was attended by the Chairperson of the Fund "Sukhumi" Alla Gamakharia and the assistant - Larisa Shengelia.

NGO partnership organized by the NGO “Women for Development” (Armenia) with the support of BfdW (Germany)

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